In 1975 we had new boy Grohs in a Faltz-Alpina - more than one in fact, since we wrote off some cars. We had Schommers, unlucky as usual, with a 24-valve Capri. We had Obermoser in the GS 2002 which showed its age during the season. And we had a load of Porsches, unbeatable at tracks where braking was important.
But 1975 was all about Heyer, Ludwig and Krebs. The first one was the natural successor to Glemser - and Zakspeed's choice. Ludwig was Ford's choice, and an uneasy situation started when a new Escort II, built by the works, was handed over to Zakspeed. The car improved, but when Zakspeed made his own Escort II later in the season this was probably the best Group 2 car ever made. It survived only one race however. Then Heyer took over the works Escort and Ludwig was moved into the works Capri - to fight Krebs.
Krebs was not taken very seriously when the season began; the architect and businisman had bought a seat at Schnitzer, just like Zondler from Switzerland. But Krebs improved and at the end of the season he was close to the championship with the most powerful BMW CSL the world had seen so far. But technical maladies enabled another championship for Zakspeed.
The races: |